Arlene Dávila is a Professor of Anthropology and American Studies at New York University and founding director of The Latinx Project, an interdisciplinary space focusing on Latinx art, culture and history at NYU. Her research spans urban ethnography, the political economy of culture and media, consumption, immigration and geographies of inequality and race. In particular, Dávila’s work has focused on the ethnographic study of the local, national and global dynamics of contemporary U.S. Latino/a and Latin American cultural politics. These research interests grew out of her early work in Latino/a and culturally specific museums and spaces in New York City, and have developed through her continued involvement in Latino/a advocacy and my interest in creative industries across the Americas. She’s author of numerous books including Latinx Inc: Marketing and the Making of a People, Barrio Dreams: Puerto Ricans, Latinos and the Neoliberal City, and El Mall: The Spatial Politics of Shopping Malls in Latin America. Her latest: Latinx art: Artists, Markets and Politics is forthcoming with Duke U Press.